List of posts

  • I have been a bit quiet on blog posts, because I have moved a lot of my project writing over to Medium ( The main reason being there are already audiences over there to interact with. Even so I will keep update this blog with more updates about projects and the creative journey. Logging about…

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  • Huberman Lab Analysis

    I am excited to release this Huberman Lab Episode Analysis. It is a resource to learn about frequent topics and related episodes across over 160 episodes of the Huberman Lab Podcast. Its 10 pages of content include:

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  • Sometimes the biggest changes are transparent. Such is the case with Tim Ferriss Common Connections v3 that basically displays what v2 displayed, but is now powered by a real back-end. There are a few reasons to go to this much trouble. The downsides are the additional costs and some complexity (although old approach would have…

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  • I shared my original Tim Ferriss common connection app on Reddit and got some useful feedback… I also got to think about some different approaches to exploring the links between episodes. So here is v2: This version makes it easy to understand the full details of the episodes and clicking each chip updates the search…

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  • For a while now I have had a project in mind to explore connections across my favorite podcasts, delving beyond individual episode summaries. I wanted to know which books were mentioned most, which topics recurred, or which guests appeared multiple times. I started with The Tim Ferriss Show. Here’s what I did: Below is a…

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  • Every creator aspires to manifest perfection. But what if our very pursuit of flawlessness holds us back? Welcome to my world of creation, where “good enough” is a delightful destination and imperfections tell a story of their own. Today, I invite you to my recent adventure—installing plywood paneling in my workshop. Perfection, in theory, sounds…

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  • AI continues to be all the rage with new products and features coming at an amazing pace. As part of this there is the continued speculation about what this will mean for the workforce. With that as the backdrop I have been continuing to explore it as an alternative to search, and a coding collaborator.…

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  • AI and the Maker

    AI and ChatGPT-like models are creating disruption to the world of software and have the potential to create even more. This is fascinating to observe, and speculate, but a part of me that retreats to what I know and can control. Sure I am mesmerized by the future potential of a personal AI Assistant, concerned…

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  • Dirt Day

    Friday was “Dirt Day” I joked with my kids. It was the day I had hired my “regular” backhoe guy to move the piles of fill dirt that I have been acquiring over the last few months. Why you ask… I will get there, but maybe first some background. I live the county, have 7…

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  • The Sorting Process

    The time has come. Over the last few weeks I have been moving into my new shop. This is bringing me face to face with many dusty boxes, random supplies and rusty tools. Now I have plenty of space in my new shop, but I want to get off to a clean start. As I…

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