Category: Log

  • 01272024 – Medium Articles

    I have been a bit quiet on blog posts, because I have moved a lot of my project writing over to Medium ( The main reason being there are already audiences over there to interact with. Even so I will keep update this blog with more updates about projects and the creative journey. Logging about…

  • Dirt Day

    Friday was “Dirt Day” I joked with my kids. It was the day I had hired my “regular” backhoe guy to move the piles of fill dirt that I have been acquiring over the last few months. Why you askā€¦ I will get there, but maybe first some background. I live the county, have 7…

  • Snow and Sun

    We had our best snow in years on Tuesday and this weekend has been beautiful in the 70’s. It has been a pretty productive week, so where to start:

  • 02192023

    This week felt pretty unproductive project wise, but then I feel like I made up for things this weekend. That is a good summary. I am hoping to get a couple more hours of work in on the shop today, so I had better get to that.

  • 02122023

    It has been a good week:

  • 02052023

    Exciting progress on the shop this week. It has been “energizing” seeing some of that last pieces fall into place.